The Lucha Diaries - WTF


This list of What The Fuck? movies is for those of you who come to the lucha genre looking for an utterly unique cinema experience, regardless of quality.  If you want to see a Turkish interpretation of Santo fighting a rapist Spider-man, or Santo having a life and death battle with a table lamp, or simply a film that is made with such staggering negligence that you have to wonder why those involved didn't just tie their belts together, wrap them around a film reel, call it a movie and go home, then this, my friend, is the place for you.

La Invasion de los Muertos (1973) ?
(The Invasion of the Dead)

Leyendas Macabras de la Colonia (1973) ?
(Macabre Legend of the Colony)

La Mafia Amarilla (1972) ?
(The Yellow Mafia)

Profanadores de Tumbas (1965) ?

(Grave Robbers)

Santo en el Misterio de la Perla Negra (1971) ?
(Santo in the Mystery of the Black Pearl)

Santo Frente a la Muerte (1969) ?
(Santo Faces Death)

Santo y Blue Demon contra Los Monstruos (1969) !?
(Santo and Blue Demon versus the Monsters)

3 Dev Adam (1973) ?
(Three Mighty Men) 



All text content � Copyright 2007 Todd Stadtman.  All rights reserved.